Monday, April 29, 2013

Our Family's Momo Twins

Lucy and Hannah 

We are the first set of Momo twins born from our mom's generation.  The second set belongs to my mother's first cousin, and they are also girls.

In our grandfather's generation, his first cousin had Momo twins, who are girls.  They are about the same age as our mom.  In our great grandfather's generation, his sister had Momo twins.  Back then, the kind of monitoring that is recommended, was not available.  One of the twins died before it was born.  In the next generation, we are still trying to find out the incidence of twins.  But the generation before that, we have a picture of our great-great-great grandfather, who can't be proven to be a Momo twin, but he certainly looks like an identical twin!  He and his brother look like Abraham Lincoln!  Their names are Horace and Horatio.

All of these twins are from one line in our family.  Another interesting picture is of Clyde and Claude, but they are married in to the line, not directly descended from our line.

We would love to find out if anyone else has Momo twins born every generation in one family!

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